Masters of anatomy scanlation
Masters of anatomy scanlation

masters of anatomy scanlation

Here text (most often a snatch of dialogue) and image stand in a complementary relationship the words, in the same way as the images, are fragments of a more general syntagm and the unity of the message is realized at a higher level, that of the story, the anecdote, the diegesis. “The function of relay is less common (at least as far as the fixed image is concerned) it can be seen particularly in cartoons and comic strips. Follow me.” After being shown an example ( Tintin in Tibet see below) and as a home assignment, students were given one week to find a comics/manga page in which the dialogue might fit -with the least possible alteration- by substitution.

#Masters of anatomy scanlation series#

The sixty-two (3rd and 4th year) students in the Creative Writing for Printed Matter course (sections 10 and 11 “Graphic Writing”) at the International Program (BA) in Communication Management ( Faculty of Communication Arts, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand) were provided with a series of imposed lines excerpted from Jason’s comics Why Are You Doing This?: “ So… Did you do it? / Sorry? / Was it you who killed that man earlier today? / No. The examples work really well, and the Peanuts page shows how this principle can be expanded on and could even be used for a book-length work made up of quotes, borrowed page layouts, mash-ups, etc.” Matt Madden(February 17, 2018), cartoonist and teacher best known for his book 99 Ways to Tell a Story: Exercises in Style (Penguin), as well as a member of Oubapo (Workshop for Potential Comics), and later a French knight in the Order of Arts and Letters.

masters of anatomy scanlation masters of anatomy scanlation

“Great idea for an exercise (the source is impeccable, of course!). #LetMeSeeYourEyes substituting the dialogue of a comics/manga page with imposed lines excerpted from Norwegian cartoonist Jason‘s Why Are You Doing This? (Fantagraphics, 2005 Editions Carabas, 2004, for original French version).

Masters of anatomy scanlation