Well, he didn't say anything about shoving HIS cock in another guy's ass. "The idea of some guy pulling my hair back, biting my ear, and shoving his cock in my ass doesn’t appeal to me". He also said that he had gay sex but didn't enjoy it because: They pick a new woman who’s just like the old one every time." If you ever meet guys who have had three, four wives, you know they keep getting married to the same woman over and over. It’s Elyssa Perry, the Wicked Witch of the North again. "I see Billie Perry, she sees me and goes, “Joe! Joe! Steven’s here!” She starts freaking. He talks bad about Elyssa AND Billie in his book.

Pay attention at: 1:05 - 1:30 (you can feel that steven is really hurt when he talks about Joe), 1:50 ('steven missed Joe like he missed a long lost lover'), 4:33, 5:25-7:00 Pay attention at: 5:00 (how they were agressive with each other), 5:39 (Joe talking about Cyrinda Foxe in a jealous way), 6:02-6:14 (it seems that steven only married Cyrinda to provoke Joe and Elyssa), 6:40 (he says 'maybe steven and joe are really in love with each other') and 9:27 The story is explained in these two videos: Their relationship got worse and when Joe left the band, Steven almost died. Well, other members of the band also got married and left their house but steven was never that sad. "I took my anger and jealousy and eventually put it into “Sweet Emotion,” which I pointed at Elyssa directly. "I was angry at Elyssa because she stole my boyfriend, my significant other, my partner in crime!" I was really hurt that he would rather be with Elyssa than be with me." "After all these years, it’s okay to admit it. "I felt that Joe abandoned me, that he cared more about Elyssa" 'When I met you, I knew I’d found my guy. Then, they started living together, but later Joe decided to live with Elyssa Jerret, Steven begged him to stay, saying: but I’m the one who can see the shadow over, under. (.) Nobody can make me as crazy as Joe (.) I see him from the outside. As soon as the anger gets resolved, nothing can ever drive us apart. "We’ve been chained together for almost forty years (.) Writing songs together, living next door to each other, touring, sharing girls, taping, getting high together, cleaning up together, splitting up. Then he goes on and start talking about their relationship: (.) It was so fucking great it made me cry (.) When I met Joe, I knew I’d found my other self." (.) Fuck! When I heard him play that, ah man, my dick went sooo hard! He blew my head off! I heard the angeltown The cool-chop look slightly undercut by his horn-rimmed glasses, white tape in the middle, hair down to his shoulders. The menacing hatchet-face scowl and bent knees as if the riff was so heavy it was weighing him down. First, that's how he talks about the day they met: I read his book 'Does The Noise in My Head Bother You?' and I tought that Steven speaks about Joe in a very romantic way, with adoration. Maybe Joe doesn't love him anymore (since he seems to be happy with Billie) but I think that steven never forgot him. I don't believe that they are gay, since they both shared women and got married, but I strongly believe that they are bissexual and had a bizarre relationship during the 70's. He was so sad and missed him so much that his addiction became even worse, almost killing him. I know it sounds strange, but that's exactly what happened during the 70's when Joe left him and the band. Obviously many will disagree with me, but I think the person is Joe Perry.

I think that the person left him for some reason and he is suffering so much that he's literally dying. From my point of view Steven is singing about a lost lover.